Anxiety is yet anouther issue that almost all of us deal with.  It is for some a large issue. It can be as dibiltating as the Fibromyalgia, the CFS, and Lupus and other illnesses that FM seems to host. For a lot of us FM seems to be a gateway to a large amount of other problems.


 Here I hope to explore better ways for us all to deal with it. For me I have learned the better care i take of myself, the less stress and less panic I create.
 For Me unexplained Panic Attacks and Pain as a Teenager was the onset of Fibromyalgia, and Lupus.  I am sure as you look back on your Life you will have had similar experiences.  And no we are not crazy, we are ill, Our bodies dont proccess pain like everyone elses.  And for most people unexplained pain causes unexplained fears.  So while our illnesses are not fun, we can find better ways to take care of ourselves, and feel somewhat better and safer.
 There are several ways to deal with the anxiety part of the illness.  Counseling, which  helps you keep your life sorted out, and not feel alone. Medications, which for some it works, but others of us it does not. Support Groups and Good friends is a very good way as well. And sometimes lifestyle changes will help.  Watching our diets, as in no Coffee and things of that nature. As in all illnesses this will be in different degrees, as we all have different levels from mild to severe. Some of us are HouseBound due to the severity of the Fm and the Anxiety.  And some of us are lucky enough to still be working and push past all of that.   This is a self help page. With some good information.
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