Welcome Home!
If you have Fibromyalgia, this site is for you! I, (Soulten), have designed a fun, informative and safe place for people like us.
I have met a lot of very nice and very supportive people online. Some of these people are now my best friends. I would be lost without them. However, there are still not a lot of "support places" for us to go. Therefore, I created this site for you and everyone who can benefit from a 100% supportive and encouraging place for those suffering and struggling like us everyday.
- There are Message Boards and a Chat Room Linked to this website. Make yourself at home here. Please explore this website and leave your feedback for us. And have a Very Good Day. :)
- This website is undergoing lots of changes, Please look around carefully. Lots of great things are changing, and new things are being added. Enjoy!!

is NOT affiliated in anyway with any other website, commercial or non-commercial entities. http://soultensfibrosupport.synthasite.com/ is designed only as a support site for people who suffer from Fibromyalgia, Lupus and other related illnesses and their family members. If any person or entity states they are contributors to this site or claim any other affiliation, it is false and should be reported to the webmaster of this site immediately. Thank you for your cooperation!
DISCLAIMER: “ The sponsor who wants to promote his products and wants to inform on his products, will make sure that his sponsoring is fully in accordance with all concerned legislations , especially because these legislations can be very different from country to country . SOULTENS FIBRO SUPPORT does not take any responsability for offenses against any legislation concerning this topic “.